"Prevent" - Help and Advice
The following websites may provide useful advice and information regarding The Prevent Agenda:
www.educateagainsthate.com - A DFE website for parents and staff looking for practical help in spotting and dealing with extremism and radicalisation in school.
https://www.gov.uk/report-terrorism - a government site where any extremism or radical views you have seen on the internet can be reported.
http://counterextremism.lgfl.org.uk/ISIS_safety_parents.html - Conversations around countering extremism and the role of the parent. Main focus is Isis and Far right views.
http://familiesmatter.org.uk/ - FAST – Families against stress and trauma, looking at the effect of recruitment into extreme organisations, with help and advice to support individuals and familes.
Preventing Extremism and Guidance for Parents/Carers (Advice from Holmer Green Senior School)