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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School

Careers Hub

Careers Mission Statement and Motto:

We want to challenge students to be the best version of themselves.  To aspire and aim high for their career goals, whilst encouraging them to work hard to build a strong network from which to gain the experience they need to navigate towards their chosen path.


Policies relating to Careers Guidance are on our Policy page here

At HGSS we believe that preparation for employment and the world of work is fundamental in readying our students for life after school. Whether students plan to progress to further or higher education, an apprenticeship or directly into the workplace, we endeavour to provide them with appropriate information, skills awareness and guidance to make the right choices to match their aspiration.

We aim to inspire our young people about different industries and opportunities through a range of activities from visiting speakers in assemblies, Enterprise and STEM initiatives, school trips and workplace experiences, to activity in the classroom directly linking careers to the curriculum. We know that alongside qualifications, employers are increasingly looking for applicants with evidence of employability skills and understanding, so across the school years we will explore the world of work, encouraging students to develop basic professional skills and track their experiences in Unifrog to reference in future applications.

We use the Gatsby benchmarks (a comprehensive toolkit identified by government to deliver best practice careers guidance to UK students to develop and improve our careers provision, and have recently appointed a dedicated Careers Adviser to provide impartial careers information, advice and guidance to students at key points in their learning journey, and on an ad hoc basis when required. Our Careers Advisor will guide students to identify specific training routes, explore wider career inspiration and provide independent advice on the range of post 16 / post 18 pathways.  Students and parents can also access a range of resources on Unifrog including up to date LMI, as well as specific pathways for a wide range of jobs and sectors.

During Sixth Form a dedicated Enrichment programme helps prepare our students for transition to the next stage, be that continued education or directly into the workplace with ongoing workshops on UCAS, Apprenticeships, and preparation for adult life away from home. Meanwhile, our Y12 Work Experience programme has been revamped and brought in-house, ensuring students are able to benefit from high quality work placements which deliver a positive reference and genuine industry insight linked to their specific career aspiration.

Full details of our Career Programme can be found by clicking here


Senior Leader Link to Careers: Rachel Golding


Careers Lead/Advisor: Jo Selleck