Year 8 Specialisms 2025
In Year 9, we ask students to specialise in three subject areas: performing arts, art and design technology. In each block are three choices from which students will choose one specialism from each block. These specialisms are taught in addition to the core curriculum.
We are approaching the point in the year where Year 8 will select their subject specialisms for next year. These are not their GCSE options but a chance to deepen their knowledge and develop their skills in three subjects.
A presentation is available below to take you through the process and how students will make their options. Instructions on how your child can make their selections can be found below.
Choosing a specialism in Year 8, does not influence the GCSE options that students make. In fact, it is a good chance for students to decide if they are passionate about that subject or if they would prefer not to carry it through to GCSE.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to watch the presentation and supporting the school and your child in making their specialism choices.
If you have any queries or concerns, please email me on or your child’s Head of Year.
Year 8 Specialism 2025 Presentation - Click logo below